Client Need:
Develop an April Fool’s Day brand act that breaks through the clutter, drives brand love and provides a cheesy moment of delight.
We introduced “V By Velveeta” - the newest revolution in skincare. A high-end line of indulgent beauty products with two things in common, the main ingredient is Velveeta … and they are all completely fake.
In the lead up to April Fool’s Day, we created real packaging and an authentic website then drove to it via Twitter, Reddit and TikTok skincare influencers. From there, consumers could sign up for our V By Velveeta “waitlist” by entering an email. Then on April Fool’s Day, we revealed our joke, delivering those who signed up a cheesy message and a coupon for Velveeta (that we asked them not to smear on their faces.)
- Consistently mentioned as one of the best April Fool’s Day pranks of 2021 by outlets like AdAge, UsWeekly, The Drum, Adweek, USA Today and The Today Show
- 320 MM earned media impressions
- (Almost) created the world’s first edible moisturizer
Role: GCD